living well

Jesus says in John 10:10 that He came to give us life. Abundant life. He says that when we place our lives in His hands and we embrace His ways, His philosophy of life and of the human condition, then springs of living water will flow in and through us. When we immerse ourselves in Him, He gives us the ability to not simply survive this life, but to truly thrive.

There is something about water that is so basic, so elemental to life. In the womb, we were surrounded in water-like fluid that protected us. Our bodies are composed of 75% water. Our bodies require water for survival. In the same way, our spirits depend on the symbolical life-giving water of the Spirit of God. Some way, somehow, He fills us with His Holy Spirit and we are consecrated, set apart for His purposes here on this earth. If we appropriate Jesus’s teachings found in the Bible, we will find new purpose for our lives. We will begin to see how we can make meaning out of life’s most difficult storms. This is the road to true wellness. The journey to wholeness. It is not an easy road. This road does not provide a detour for the It does not eliminate the valleys and the dark places, but rather it is the journey for all who desire to follow Christ. The road to wellness leads to abundant life.


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